♻️ Learning Formats
Creating quality bags from waste is easier than you think
Upcycle Like a Pro
Most of us don’t realise how accessible creating beautiful bags from everyday materials can be. We don't need fancy tools or marathon YouTube sessions… All we need is some simple sewing skills, a willingness to learn and a community of like minded change makers. Learn more about our approach to learnings and community here.

UPSKILL+UPCYCLE BAG MAKING // In Person // Five Week Course
♻️ Create personalised custom straight-edged bag designs from overlooked materials using a domestic sewing machine.
🚀 We cover key upcycling techniques: Reverse Appliqué, Appliqué, Machine Repair, Custom Patch Creation (from scraps), Seam Stacking and core bag pattern making and construction.
💚 Learn from bag upcycling experts alongside fellow upcycling wizards (classmates).
️🔥 Most Popular ♻️️

Into Carry - Sustainable Bags
Pressing Soft Plastic // ONLINE TUTORIAL
♻️ Soft plastic is the most overlooked material in the world of upcycling. Yet, it can be recycled with equipment found in most households.
🌎 This online tutorial (which you maintain access to forever) details the process start to finish so you can turn soft plastic waste into your own creative materials. More details below :)

Upcycling tip
Create Bags From Scraps
Check it outAccessible upcycling
Bringing value to overlooked materials
Into Carry

a Podcast for climate-positive conversations
Better Circles // Fiona & Luke
Listen here
Waste Material // Cheat Sheet
This detailed doc shares our key learnings in nearly a decade of upcycling. Includes our favourite overlooked materials, where to source them and what they're awesome for.