SpeakUP Hosted by UPPAREL

SpeakUP Hosted by UPPAREL

In this weeks episode, we sit down with the one-man army (edit: we're no longer a one-man army) who is transforming trash into some of Australia's coolest bags. We learn all about where Into Carry ...
Eco Curious Conversations w Kat & Sarah

Eco Curious Conversations w Kat & Sarah

In this episode we talk to Luke Phillips, owner of Into Coffee and Into Carry. Luke is an industrial designer who had an 'environmental awakening' and realised the way we make things is broken. He ...
Trash Talk w Sarah Jones - Podcast Interview.

Trash Talk w Sarah Jones - Podcast Interview.

Sarah Jones interviews innovators in sustainability and waste management, searching the entire food chain for opportunities to be more sustainable - personally and professionally. This episode: Fou...
Bring Value to Users & The Planet.

Bring Value to Users & The Planet.

User Centred Design is a framework that drives designers to create great products for their end users. Following it allows us to discover great solutions for our users, but to discover more holisti...
Materials, habits, change.

Materials, habits, change.

We just emerged from several glorious generations of developing technology and learning a bunch of new skills. This rapid expansion in technology has allowed us to build bigger, faster and cheaper ...
Relearning The Value Of Possession

Relearning The Value Of Possession

Do you talk to your stuff? Probably not. Although if you do, thats cool too. We all develop connections with our belongings. The better they serve us, the stronger our relationship becomes. Think ...
Flexibility Is The New Longevity

Flexibility Is The New Longevity

Longevity is not about building products that exist longer, its about making products that are useful longer. As you are likely aware, change is becoming the new normal. Which is great. But what d...
Into, the Beginning.

Into, the Beginning.

Eighteen months ago I started a journey to build a product I believe needs to be in the world. A product that not only serves its end user, but also the community around it. The underlying princip...